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Christie Yu had the world at her feet

After numerous setbacks, Christie had to slowly transition back to her studies not once but twice. This forced her to make a tough decision that would shape the rest of her career.

  • Acute myeloid leukaemia
  • fatigue
  • Treatments and side-effects
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Treatment and transplant news

Once a blood cancer treatment is developed, it needs to be approved for sale in Australia and subsidised, or ‘listed’, otherwise the cost for the treatment can be unaffordable for many patients. The Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) or Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) appraises a new treatment and provides advice to the Government on whether it should be publicly funded. This includes seeking consumer comments. Here’s a summary of recent new and recommended listings for blood cancer treatments. The Leukaemia Foundation provided advice and consumer comments to PBAC/MSAC in support of these therapies being available to patients.

  • Advocacy and policy
  • Treatments and side-effects
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Blood cancer ride proves Perry’s toughest race

As Perry Judd slowly pedalled over the finishing line at the prestigious Grafton to Inverell Cycle Classic in 2013, supposedly in the form of his life but somehow lagging far behind the competition, he knew something wasn’t right. Physically exhausted, Perry feared he had glandular fever, but a blood test revealed something much more dangerous. The then 37-year-old explained: “I had a call from the GP: ‘Please come and see me, we need to talk urgently. You need to come in right away’.

  • Acute myeloid leukaemia
  • Treatments and side-effects
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Addressing blood cancer challenges and improving patient outcomes

This issue of preventable deaths is now being addressed along with other priority actions around national standards of care and consistent access to clinical best practice.

  • Advocacy and policy
  • Research
  • Treatments and side-effects
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Article #3 Tile

Referral to a haematologist takes 2+ months for 13% of blood cancer patients

A timely and accurate blood cancer diagnosis is critical to clinical best practice.

  • Advocacy and policy
  • Treatments and side-effects
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Article #2 Tile

Access to best practice needed to reduce blood cancer mortality

Patients understand that clinical best practice care begins with an accurate and timely diagnosis.

  • Advocacy and policy
  • AML
  • Myeloma
  • Treatments and side-effects
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Access to best practice needed to reduce blood cancer mortality

Expert Series: Associate Professor Nada Hamad on the importance of clinical trials

When talking to her patients, clinical haematologist and researcher Associate Professor Nada Hamad always considers their eligibility for a clinical trial. 

  • Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
  • Interviews with experts
  • Research
  • Treatments and side-effects
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Associate Professor Nada Hamad - clinical haematologist and researcher

Learning to live around our grief

Grief is very much part of our lives - it’s not something separate and it's not just about dying or death, it's around endings, according to psychotherapist, Dr Stephanie Thompson.  

  • Grief and loss
  • Treatments and side-effects
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Dr Stephanie Thompson

Expert Series: the healing power of music therapy

“Music is very much part of our lives” and that's why it's such a useful and effective tool in therapy, according to Tasmanian registered music therapist, Dr Stephanie Thompson. 

  • Grief and loss
  • Interviews with experts
  • Treatments and side-effects
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Dr Stephanie Thompson

Increased melanoma risk in CLL patients means regular skin checks critical

People with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) have a sizeable 600% higher risk of the most dangerous form of skin cancer, melanoma, researchers have found.

  • Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
  • Treatments and side-effects
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Skin check