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You’re a part of the blood cancer revolution!

Our supporters are driving something truly significant this September – a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reduce the impact of blood cancer.

Deborah Sims Blood Cancer Story

Many people know blood cancer is one of this country’s most common, costly and fatal cancers. It can affect anyone, at any stage of life – often with no warning signs.

Sadly, for children and teenagers, blood cancer is still the most commonly diagnosed cancer.

Last year’s State of the Nation report was the first of its kind, looking at the factors influencing survival and quality of life for Australians with blood cancer.

What this report found is very concerning.

In short, there are many obstacles standing between people with blood cancer and the treatment that’s best for them. Whether it’s where they live, if they’re being advised about clinical trials, or simply if they have enough money to pay for the right treatment.

Thankfully, this September in Blood Cancer Awareness Month, your support can help enable a new plan.

Australia’s first-ever National Strategic Action Plan for Blood Cancer is a blueprint for change, tackling the tough issues facing people affected by these diseases.

It re-imagines the way treatment and care of blood cancer patients is delivered across our country.

The plan recommends change right through the blood cancer experience. From the moment a person is diagnosed, through their treatment and recovery and adjustment to life beyond treatment – wherever they live in Australia and whatever their background.

It also looks at the challenges many people face – including those living in regional or remote areas, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, and people with diverse and varied cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

This plan was led by our Blood Cancer Taskforce, Australia’s best and brightest blood cancer experts – and our generous supporters helped make it happen!

The Taskforce is a joint initiative between the Leukaemia Foundation and the Federal Government, made up of Australia’s leading haematologists, blood cancer researchers, industry experts and Australians diagnosed with blood cancer. They combined their brainpower, experience and determination to develop a vital pathway to change.

Achieving best practice; Empower patients and families; enable access to novel and specialised therapies; accelerate research
The Taskforce has real progress in their sights

This September, you can progress the fight to conquer blood cancer. Find out how you can help people with blood cancer get the treatments they need.

“Being part of the Taskforce is an incredible honour as I know first-hand how urgent it is for this country to improve treatment approaches to blood cancer. I moved to the UK for an experimental drug I needed to survive. In a cruel irony, a drug that was originally developed in Melbourne. Clinical trials offer more than hope for the future in some cases they literally offer life.

Thank you to everyone who is standing with us against this devastating disease – you are giving people living with blood cancer a better tomorrow.”

– Deborah Henderson, Blood Cancer Taskforce member (pictured at the top of this article)

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Last updated on November 16th, 2023

Developed by the Leukaemia Foundation in consultation with people living with a blood cancer, Leukaemia Foundation support staff, haematology nursing staff and/or Australian clinical haematologists. This content is provided for information purposes only and we urge you to always seek advice from a registered health care professional for diagnosis, treatment and answers to your medical questions, including the suitability of a particular therapy, service, product or treatment in your circumstances. The Leukaemia Foundation shall not bear any liability for any person relying on the materials contained on this website.