Give monthly for a future where zero lives are lost to blood cancer.
Become a regular donor and help support research breakthroughs, world-class services and change the lives of people with blood cancer like four-year-old Chase.
I make regular donations to ensure this service survives.”
I hope that my contribution can alleviate another family’s financial stress resulting from leukemia.”
that’s why I choose to be apart of The Giving Cell Community.”
vital work of the Leukaemia Foundation research. Giving monthly is one way we can make a small contribution.”
Join The Giving Cell today to save lives from blood cancer
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Select your preferred donation frequency & amount below:
$30 could… provide an information pack to a family to help them prepare for the challenges ahead following a scary and confronting new diagnosis.
$53 could… mean that a family is provided with the emotional support they need from a Blood Cancer Support Coordinator as they face the overwhelming decisions that follow a new diagnosis.
$103 could… help families who are struggling financially with expenses like hospital parking or groceries.
$150 could… mean the work of a PhD scholarship recipient is supported for another day. This brilliant scientist could discover the next great breakthrough towards a cure thanks to you!
$22 a month provides… vital information to a family experiencing blood cancer to help them prepare for the challenges ahead.
$35 a month funds… 50 blood collection tubes for patient samples, necessary equipment for blood cancer research.
$44 a month can… provide a family with emotional support from a Blood Cancer Support Coordinator as they face the overwhelming decisions following a diagnosis.
$150 a month could… mean the work of a PhD scholarship recipient is supported for another day. This brilliant scientist could discover the next great breakthrough towards a cure thanks to you!
Please fill in the details below of the person you are honouring with your gift.
Thank you, your ${{ formData.donation_amount }} {{ formData.donation_type == `once` ? `one-off` : `monthly` }} donation will help cure and conquer blood cancer
Please complete your personal details:
Select a payment method for your {{ formData.donation_type == `once` ? `one-off` : `monthly` }} donation:
{{ formData.donation_type == `once` ? `Choose your secure payment method` : ` ` }}
By making a gift to the Leukaemia Foundation you agree to the privacy policy.

As a member of The Giving Cell, you’ll get:
- Regular updates that show how you’re supporting families today, and enabling tomorrow’s research discoveries.
- Full control over your support. You can decide how much you give and how long for.
- Exclusive access to some of the smartest minds searching for blood cancer treatments.
- Ongoing access to reliable information on individual blood cancers to support the people in your life impacted by blood cancers.
Your impact

Help the 53 Australians diagnosed with blood cancer every day.

Fund ground breaking research to ensure zero lives are lost to blood cancer by 2035.

Reduce the burden of blood cancer through practical support.
Will you be there for people with blood cancer?
Imagine a big, extended family that comes together to help when someone is facing an illness. Some family members help with the practical things; others get right onto making sense of the science behind it all. Everyone is there with support, no matter how tough things may get.
The Giving Cell is just like this. It’s a community coming together like family, fired up to support everyone impacted by blood cancer.
Your support can help people like Prue & her family
When Prue found out her four year old son Chase had blood cancer, life as she knew it stopped. “When someone close to you is diagnosed, your world comes to a standstill.” Her family’s story is proof of the power of community. Donations from caring supporters like you made sure Chase could get the treatment he urgently needed, far away from home.