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Donate by phone, post, or direct deposit

You can donate online, as well as via post, phone or direct deposit:

Donate via Post

Complete this formOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader and enclose a cheque payable to the ‘Leukaemia Foundation’, or include your credit card details.

Return your form and payment to:

Leukaemia Foundation

Reply Paid 9954, Brisbane, QLD 4001

Donate via Phone

Call 1800 620 420 and make your donation via credit card today.

Donate via Direct Deposit

Account name: The Leukaemia Foundation of Australia

Account number: 856 164 475

BSB: 082 057

Please put your full name in the reference field when using direct deposit. Please email or call 1800 620 420 and let us know the date of your gift and the amount so that we can send you a receipt.

Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.