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Blood Cancer Consumer Engagement Program

We’ve created a Blood Cancer Consumer Engagement Program for people living with blood cancer including caregivers and their loved ones.

You are viewing an invitation to join the program assuming eligibility at this time. We have a few basic eligibility requirements to join this program:

  • You (or your loved one) were diagnosed 12 months ago or more and have completed initial treatment (whichever comes later)
  • If you receive on-going treatment and were diagnosed 12 months ago or more, you also would be eligible
  • If you (or your loved one) have been re-treated, this commenced 6 months ago or more
  • If you (or your loved one) have not received treatment yet, you were diagnosed at least 12 months ago
  • If you are joining as a bereaved loved one, it has been more than 12 months since you lost your loved one.

We’ve set up these guidelines so that people (or their loved one) who are going through active treatment, or people who are grieving or bereaved, can prioritise their health and wellbeing.

Click on the link below and fill out the confidential questionnaire to help us determine whether it’s appropriate for you to join the program at this time.

Eligibility and registration

Check your eligibility now

Please note: if you fill out the registration form and are not meeting the above criteria to apply, you will be able to indicate this at the bottom of the registration form. Choose the option that states you are interested, but not yet eligible, and we should follow up with you further into the future as you may become eligible.

Have you connected with our Living Well team yet?

We offer an array of free support options which include support groups, and the opportunity to share your story.

More information about the blood cancer consumer engagement program

Why set up a Consumer Engagement Program?

We know that by engaging with people living with blood cancer, we are reflecting best practices as a health organisation by incorporating the standards set forth by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare.

The Leukaemia Foundation also wants to cultivate the voice of people living with blood cancer in authentic ways. We believe there is enormous insight to be gained and problems to be solved by giving them an opportunity to share their lived experience, so that Leukaemia Foundation services can prosper and develop over time.

We are fulfilling our commitment to all our stakeholders by engaging people living with blood cancer in an organisation-wide improvement processes which include contributing to the planning, design, monitoring, delivery and evaluation of Leukaemia Foundation systems, policies, and procedures.

In addition, these opportunities extend to helping our research, fundraising, media, communication, business partnerships, advocacy and research teams do their job better by weaving the unique experience that each person holds into business proposals, media articles, podcasts, support programs and other projects. This allows critical insights from our blood cancer community to drive better outcomes for all stakeholders involved in this community, which includes health professionals, industry and relevant business cooperatives and people living with blood cancer themselves.

Your registration in this program could also serve as a launchpad to serve in future roles with Leukaemia Foundation.

How do I sign up?

If you would like to move forward, we would like to learn more about you on this registration form. If you are eligible to join the program, the form will ask you further ‘profile questions’ so that we can gain a better understanding of you as a potential consumer. This will allow us to send out more customised communications in the future, which can give further detail into consumer opportunities and help us understand what future opportunities will appeal to you.

Please note, the list of Leukaemia Foundation activities on the registration form is not exhaustive. In addition, you can revise your choices at any point in the future by notifying us.

By completing the registration form, you are consenting that we can keep your record active in our Blood Cancer Consumer Engagement Program which includes maintaining your record in our privacy-protected database. To notify you about existing opportunities, we will periodically send you requests detailing Leukaemia Foundation consumer activities. In addition to receiving communication around consumer engagement requests you can also expect to receive periodic newsletters and Zoom call invites to keep you informed on consumer engagement matters emerging within the Leukaemia Foundation.

Once enrolled in our Consumer Engagement Program, you will always have the option to unsubscribe and opt-out of the Consumer Engagement Program at any time.

Keen to be involved?

Check your eligibility now

Last updated on January 6th, 2025

Developed by the Leukaemia Foundation in consultation with people living with a blood cancer, Leukaemia Foundation support staff, haematology nursing staff and/or Australian clinical haematologists. This content is provided for information purposes only and we urge you to always seek advice from a registered health care professional for diagnosis, treatment and answers to your medical questions, including the suitability of a particular therapy, service, product or treatment in your circumstances. The Leukaemia Foundation shall not bear any liability for any person relying on the materials contained on this website.