Optimal Care Pathways for myeloma
Myeloma is a cancer of the plasma cells. Plasma cells are mature lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell) that help fight infection by producing special proteins known as antibodies or immunoglobulins. Immunoglobulins (Ig) are produced by plasma cells in response to bacteria, viruses and other harmful substances found in the body.
Disease-specific Optimal Care Pathways have been developed for the following diseases, each accompanied by a quick reference guide and patient guide, specially designed to help people in Australia with blood cancer, and their loved ones. The OCP patient guides are suitable to be shared with your patients, to ensure they are informed of their upcoming blood cancer journey.
Multiple myeloma
Comprehensive Optimal Care Pathway for multiple myeloma Quick reference guide for the OCP for multiple myeloma Guide to best cancer care for multiple myeloma – suitable for sharing with your patientOptimal Care Pathways are one of the key recommendations in Australia’s National Strategic Action Plan for Blood Cancer. They will help you, as a health professional, provide nationally consistent, high-quality, evidence-based information at each stage of the blood cancer pathway, from diagnosis and treatment to ongoing care.