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Janice has “been just so lucky” over the 12 years she’s had myeloma

Janice says she "wouldn't be here" had she been diagnosed two years earlier.

  • Myeloma
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Jan Watt at her 50th

Expert Series: Professor Miles Prince – the challenges, the treatments, the future of myeloma

Not only is Professor Miles Prince “a true believer in CAR T-cells”, he believes they may even have the potential to cure myeloma one day.

  • Interviews with experts
  • Myeloma
  • Research
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Prof. Miles Prince presenting

Identifying high-risk smouldering myeloma to improve patient outcomes

Dr Melissa Cantley hopes that those who have this pre-canerous condition will be able to be tested to understand their risk of developing myeloma.

  • Myeloma
  • Research
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Dr Melissa Cantley in the lab

PBAC update on two myeloma drugs

These two myeloma drugs were not recommended for listing on the PBS.

  • Myeloma
  • Treatments and side-effects
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Baby Elowen conquers blood cancer with super strength

Before even reaching her first birthday, Elowen Boston has faced a greater challenge than many of us will in our lifetime - a life-threatening blood cancer diagnosis.

  • Acute myeloid leukaemia
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Elowen Boston_feature

My COVID-19 vaccine experience

Blood cancer survivor and midwife, Catherine Wheeler shares her experience being eligible for the Phase 1a COVID-19 vaccine rollout. 

  • Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
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Catherin Wheeler

Tony’s in remission after CAR T-cell therapy – his last option

Tony's symptoms had only been problems with his legs and feet when we was diagnosed with ALL.

  • Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
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Tony Gillen and family in Callala Bay

Using precision medicine to reduce long-term ALL treatment effects

Professor Deb White hopes to reduce the toxic impact of ALL therapy.

  • Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
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Professor Deb White

Expert Series: Dr Rishi Kotecha on paediatric ALL

Dr Rishi Kotecha talks about the revolutionary treatments which are improving outcomes for babies and children with high-risk leukaemia.

  • Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
  • Interviews with experts
  • Research
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Dr Kotecha in the lab

Blood cancer and other people’s positivity

Sam was in denial about her lymphoma diagnosis, but struggled with how people related to her after her diagnosis.

  • Hodgkin lymphoma
  • Lifestyle and living well
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A woman laying down, wearing a turban with a pensive look on her face