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How we can help you


Being diagnosed with blood cancer can affect many areas of your life, and your family’s, and the Leukaemia Foundation’s comprehensive range of programs provides information and practical and emotional support. 

These can help you at any stage of the patient journey:

  • when you are first diagnosed and want information about your blood cancer or disease sub-type,
  • during treatment when you want to know how to manage symptoms and side-effects and what treatment options are available, and
  • after completing treatment, when you are recovering and returning to work, school and everyday life.

You may need support in managing and adjusting to the emotions and changes that are a part of living with a blood cancer. And you may want to connect to others who are going through or have been through the same experience as you.

Our services include: 

  • Information and education: seminars, workshops and information about your disease, its treatment and how your life might be affected.
  • Support groups: opportunities to meet and share experiences with other people who are living with blood cancer.
  • Emotional support: emotional support, assistance and referrals to help you adjust to living with a blood cancer.
  • Health and wellbeing services: information and advice to help with managing symptoms and side-effects, lifestyle factors, and how to live well with a blood cancer.
  • Practical support: help managing the everyday pressure of practical and financial matters and accessing programs and services.
  • Accommodation: assistance with accommodation if you have to leave home so you can be treated.
  • Transport: assistance with travelling to and from appointments and treatment.
  • Referral and assessment: help connecting to the cancer care network and referrals to other services.
  • Grief support: counselling, support groups and referrals to help you manage grief and remembrance.

Information and education 

After recovering from the initial shock of diagnosis, you may want to gather trusted information about your disease, its treatment and how your life might be affected. While your medical specialist and treating team will provide valuable information and answer many of your questions, you may be seeking additional information or support.

Access to trusted, relevant and easily understood information can help you better understand your experience, manage your disease, and feel empowered to make the medical and treatment decisions that are right for you.

The Leukaemia Foundation provides a range of resources, from booklets and fact sheets and information on our website, to seminars and educations sessions, and we can point you to other trusted sources for information and support.

All our disease and medical information is reviewed by external experts and regularly updated to ensure it is accurate and trustworthy. We also collaborate with and invite contributions from experts in the field of living well with cancer.

Service description 

In addition to our blood cancer information – newsletters and booklets and factsheets – we hold regular educational seminars across the country.

These disease-specific seminars cover a range of topics including treatment; managing side-effects; research and clinical trials; diet and nutrition; stress management; physical activity; and adapting to change. They also provide an opportunity to hear from specialist doctors and allied health professionals, and to meet people in a similar situation to you.

Disease-related information:

Seminars and workshops:

  • Living well
  • Disease-specific
  • Delivered face-to-face and in video and/or audio format (where possible)

Living well information:

  • Practical matters (super, travel insurance, financial assistance, work/study, etc.)
  • Wills and Power of Attorney
  • Mental health, relationships, diet, and exercise
  • Carers, family and friends
  • Online, videos, brochures, newsletters, seminars and workshops

Information regarding health services and navigating the health system.

Availability and access 

The Leukaemia Foundation’s information and education services are available at no cost to anyone living with blood cancer, their family and friends.

They can be accessed online, via your Leukaemia Foundation Blood Cancer Support Coordinator, health facility, treating doctor, or allied health professional.

You can also contact us directly on 1800 620 420 or

Last updated on July 20th, 2023

Developed by the Leukaemia Foundation in consultation with people living with a blood cancer, Leukaemia Foundation support staff, haematology nursing staff and/or Australian clinical haematologists. This content is provided for information purposes only and we urge you to always seek advice from a registered health care professional for diagnosis, treatment and answers to your medical questions, including the suitability of a particular therapy, service, product or treatment in your circumstances. The Leukaemia Foundation shall not bear any liability for any person relying on the materials contained on this website.