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You helped Meg connect with others when she felt isolated

Finding out you have a serious disease can be an isolating time.

A man and woman standing near a lake, smiling
Meg (right, pictured with her husband) now feels more empowered.

But thanks to your heartfelt generosity, Meg’s blood cancer experience has been full of support from people who understand.

Facing uncertainty

In February 2020, Meg’s life changed when she was given an inconclusive diagnosis of either myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) or aplastic anaemia.

Facing the COVID-19 pandemic and an uncertain diagnosis, the 27-year-old felt alone and vulnerable.

Finding her online community

However, it was your support that ensured Meg could access a community of Australians who knew how she felt.

From the moment she logged on to her first online Leukaemia Foundation support group, Meg felt reassured meeting others who had walked a similar path.

“I get so much out of it. The emotional support and strategies you get are just brilliant,” Meg explains.

“You can’t replicate that feeling of being seen or heard”

Being able to share and learn from others has meant so much to Meg, giving her the chance to feel empowered about all aspects of her blood cancer experience.

“Sometimes I’ll learn about a treatment, or I might just listen to someone who is feeling the same as I am. You can’t replicate that feeling of being seen or heard,” reflects Meg.

No boundaries

The flexibility and welcoming nature of the online groups have given Meg the chance to share from wherever she is and with no filter.

“I’ve even dialed in from my husband’s soccer game! Other participants have joined from their hospital bed,” said Meg.

“They’ve given me space to express exactly how I feel without fear of judgement.”

“I feel more prepared for what’s ahead of me and have learnt so much. This support has meant the world, thank you!”

Leukaemia Foundation Support Groups

Your generosity ensures the Leukaemia Foundation is there for all Australians with blood cancer, no matter where they are.

During COVID-19, your support has helped transform support groups from in-person to online meetings. Australians living with blood cancer can now come together from hospital beds and kitchen tables around our country to learn and share their lived experience.

Did you know?

In the last 12 months, your generosity has enabled:

49 online support groups Illustration of an online video call Specialised groups for men, carers, parents and young adults Illustration of a phone, tablet, and some papers
Six online disease-specific education events viewed more than 5,449 times Illustration of a calendar with a date circled Trusted blood cancer information provided to more than 400,000 people via the Leukaemia Foundation website Illustration of person looking at the Leukaemia Foundation website

Last updated on February 7th, 2023

Developed by the Leukaemia Foundation in consultation with people living with a blood cancer, Leukaemia Foundation support staff, haematology nursing staff and/or Australian clinical haematologists. This content is provided for information purposes only and we urge you to always seek advice from a registered health care professional for diagnosis, treatment and answers to your medical questions, including the suitability of a particular therapy, service, product or treatment in your circumstances. The Leukaemia Foundation shall not bear any liability for any person relying on the materials contained on this website.